Chapter I
> Workshop - A poetic immersion in “Sertão” in the Northeast of Brazil :
This experimental adventure intends to awaken the participant to a poetic immersion through the legends and myths of the Brazilian Sertão creating a zone of experimentation and development of a look that crosses the limits of the photographic act.
> Workshop - The constructed portrait : the process of conceiving an image through Portrait. The workshop offers various theoretical and practical tools around language, creativity in building a portrait.
Foto em Pauta, Tiradentes Photography Festival, Minas Gerais, Brazil, March 2018.
> Workshop - The visual poetry and the Photolanguage.
Museu da Fotografia de Fortaleza. Sept, 2017.
> Workshop - The interdisciplinary poetries on
contemporary photography : The hybrid forms of photography in the current context of exhibition and artistic production.
Foto em Pauta, Tiradentes Photography Festival, Minas Gerais, Brazil, March 2017.
> Workshop - The photo essay : The proposal is to provide an approximation to concepts, methods and theories of the image that allows to reflect about the authors work in the universe of contemporary art.
Galeria Imagem Brazil, Fortaleza, Brazil, March 2017.
> Workshop - The photobook and the intimacy on photography. An experimentation workshop where the participant have the opportunity to present their portfolios and reflect about the creative process.
Galeria Sem Título, March 2017.